Immune System is one of the most important systems of our body since it is body’s first and last line of defense against attack from any outside agent such as viruses, bacteria, germs and cancerous cells. It requires constant nurturing and care to remain strong and protect us from any external attack, by producing proteins called antibodies. Various Harvard studies have directly linked stress and its down regulating effect on Immune System [1,2].
Stress, Anger, Fear, Jealous, Grief and other such limiting emotions are triggered when the body is in ‘fight-or-flight’ mode. This is the survival mode of the body and it worked well for our ancestors who had to stay in forests and hunt animals for survival. However, we are the most privileged Homo sapiens [3], ever, and there is no reason for us to be in Survival mode all the time. When in survival mode, the two functions of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), sympathetic and parasympathetic, gets out of sync, as opposed to operating in sync with each other.
While a lot has been spoken about consuming what kind of food can improve our immune system, one very important factor that damages the immune system and has not been much spoken of, is stress. Stress has a degenerating impact on our immune system and substantially damages it. Irrespective of how well we eat and how regularly we exercise, not being able to avoid stress would eventually negate the good effect that we get from eating well and exercising regularly.
Here are some of the ways in which Stress has a negative impact on our immune system:
While the impetus of this article so far has been just on stress and its impact on the immune system, please note that other negative states such as anger, guilt, jealous, etc. are equally harmful, for not just the immune system, but all other possible bodily functions that exist. Hence we should avoid them as much as we can, for our holistic health. Here is the good news. While these emotions are harmful for us, the elevated emotions of joy, gratitude, love and inspiration has the potential to reverse the chemistry and biology of our body.
The best way to tackle the limiting emotions is to be in the state of gratitude. More and more research is now showing that when you are in a state of gratitude, you cannot be in any other state. Hence, find 2-3 things, about which you are grateful, think about them and practice gratitude. If you cannot think about anything, see if you are breathing. If yes, be grateful for your life. This may sound spiritual but don’t forget, we are not human being living spiritual life; we are spiritual being living human life. In addition, you can do deep breathing (become aware of your breath while you inhale & exhale), read a book, journal your thoughts, listen to music or simply do anything that you like and that can help you get your mind off these negative emotions.
Be mindful that state of stress, anger and fear has a down-regulating impact on our gene impressions and extremely toxic for our health. It is equally important to stay away from them, as it is to eat healthy and do regular exercises. However, if you take control of your life and live in a state of awareness, you should easily be able to tackle them and live a happy and blissful life.